ACRA Rating Agency confirmed the rating of ROSATOM in the area of sustainable development (the ESG rating) at the level of ESG-2 (corresponding to "a very high grade").
The grade remains unchanged as compared with the results of 2023.
Six main divisions took part in formation of the final ESG rating: Ore Mining, Power Engineering, Fuel, Engineering, Machine Building, and also the Sales and Trading Division. The divisions under consideration in the aggregate account for more than 70% of ROSATOM's consolidated proceeds.
The high ESG rating value is due to favorable parameters of the company in the area of environmental protection, social responsibility and corporate management as compared with the companies within the selection, as well as regular improvement of internal policies and procedures for various aspects of sustainable development. In particular, the industry code of ethics was updated, the methodological guidelines for management of natural and climatic risks were developed and approved in the Corporation within the past year.
"ROSATOM traditionally ranks high in various ESG ratings. Detailed assessment of ACRA helps us to detect any bottlenecks in individual aspects of sustainable development. After each assessment cycle we investigate the impediments and develop an action plan for each division. The ESG rating of ACRA is a real tool to enhance our ESG quality", - Polina Lion, Director of the Sustainable Development Department of ROSATOM, noted.