Loading of dummy fuel assemblies into the reactor pressure vessel has started at Unit 1 of the Rooppur NPP in the People’s Republic of Bangladesh (the general designer and general contractor is ROSATOM’s Engineering Division). The work is performed by specialists of Atomstroyexport JSC, Atomtechenergo JSC and Rosenergoatom.
A dummy fuel assembly (DFA) is a piece of equipment fully imitating the design of standard fuel assemblies in terms of dimensions, weight and materials, but without nuclear fuel.
As part of the simulation area, they are designed to model the geometry of the reactor core and to confirm hydraulic parameters of the reactor plant during circulation flushing and reactor cold and hot tests. DFA are also necessary to master handling operations using the refueling machine. After confirmation of all parameters of the reactor plant with the aid of dummy assemblies, nuclear fuel loading will follow.