In April 2020 the Supervisory Board approved the updated ROSATOM Strategy.
The Strategy is focused on moving from global leadership in nuclear industry to global technological leadership and defines key priorities and goals for divisions and enterprises of Russian nuclear industry. ROSATOM has been assigned important tasks related to the implementation of the national priorities defined by decrees of the President of Russian Federation. The Strategy maintains the industry wide focus on development of advanced technologies and achievement of ambitious goals in all priority areas. An ambitious goal has been set to increase revenue to RUB 4 trillion by 2030. More than half of the revenue will be generated by foreign operations. Share of new products will exceed 40%.
For successful Strategy implementation ROSATOM will act as a single enterprise based on efficient project management and teamwork, developing an integrated ecosystem with the participation of Russian and foreign partners. We will strengthen our client-centricity approach, proactively identifying the needs of our clients and offering them the most in-demand products. The strategy is focused on maximizing the potential of our employees by creating an environment of continuous education and developing programs to attract the best professionals.
Achievements of nuclear science and technology for prosperity of the society
Strategic goals:
- Growth of the share in the international markets
- Reducing the cost of production and processes lead time
- New products for Russian and international markets
- Achievement of global leadership in a number of advanced technologies
Сorporate values
In 2014 ROSATOM formulated common corporate values. There are six of them: “One step ahead”, “Responsibility for the Result”, “Efficiency”, “One Team”, “Respect” and “Safety”. They are explained by the following statements:
One step ahead
Sets ambitious targets beyond demonstrated results.
Learns new technologies and implements Best Practices. Works having a backlog to the future.
Quickly learns and reacts to a change. Updates initial plans, works out alternatives, as necessary.
Has the ear to customers and clients’ needs. Anticipates their requirements.
Responsibility for the Result
Meets deadlines. Always gets things done.
Assumes personal responsibility for both achievements and failures. Admits mistakes. Doesn’t seek for excuses.
Works according to high quality.
Demands from the team high quality results, does not accept shallow work standards.
Personally accepts challenges. Doesn’t wait for others to deal with them.
Takes weighted decision on a basis of a set of alternative options. First thinks, then acts.
Maximizes results while effectively using available resources.
Consistently suggests improvements and refines processes, optimizes time and budget expenditures.
Highly productive. Doesn’t waste time
One Team
Is guided by common interests of the company and industry.
Finds synergies when working with other team members at his/her level. Doesn’t turn to the management for each solution.
Helps colleagues solve their problems, always is part of the solution.
Respects all colleagues and subordinates regardless of their status, age and personal preferences
Is thankful and acknowledges input of others.
Carefully listens to colleagues and subordinates and hears what they say even when opinions are different.
Controls negative emotions and sustains respectfulness and common sense under pressure and stress.
Respects corporate and industry's history and traditions.
Sets a good example in following safety and security requirements: occupational, environmental, information, financial, and reputational.
Considers safety and security as one of the key priorities in daily work.
Prevents and suppresses safety and security breaches.