Akkuyu NPP is the first-ever nuclear power plant which is being built in the Republic of Turkey. The project is being implemented based on the Inter-Governmental Agreement on cooperation in the construction and operation of nuclear power plant at Akkuyu site in the Republic of Turkey concluded between the Government of the Russian Federation and Government of the Republic of Turkey on May 12, 2010. The project stipulates the construction of four power units equipped with Russian-designed generation III+ VVER reactors. The capacity of each NPP power unit will amount to 1200 MW. Currently, the project is entirely financed by the Russian side. ROSATOM is the majority shareholder of AKKUYU NUCLEAR JSC which has committed itself to the design, construction, maintenance, operation and decommissioning of the power plant. Akkuyu NPP is the first project in the global nuclear industry being implemented according to Build-Own-Operate model.
Скопировать текстJSC Atom-TOR is the management company of priority socioeconomic development areas (PSEDA) created in restricted-access administrative territorial formations (RATFs, «closed cities») which host ROSATOM facilities. JSC Atom-TOR manages eight priority socioeconomic development areas: «Zheleznogorsk» (Krasnoyarsk Territory), «Zarechny» (Penza Region), «Lesnoy» and «Novouralsk» (both in Sverdlovsk Region), «Ozersk» and «Snezhinsk» (both in Chelyabinsk Region), «Sarov» (Nizhniy Novgorod Region), and «Seversk» (Tomsk Region). Since 2014, ROSATOM jointly with Russian Federal Subjects and municipalities has been creating priority development areas in nuclear industry host cities. Creation of these territories was started under the instruction of the President of Russia. The status of PSEDA opens an opportunity for emergence of new businesses and jobs as well as creates conditions for investments.
Скопировать текстJSC Atomenergomash is a Mechanical Engineering Division of ROSATOM and is one of leading power machine engineering holdings in Russia. The division is comprised of about 30 businesses, including research, engineering, manufacturing, construction and installation companies located in Russia, Ukraine, Czech Republic and Hungary. The Company is a supplier of efficient comprehensive solutions for nuclear, thermal, and hydro power; gas and petrochemical industries; shipbuilding and other branches of industry. Equipment manufactured by the Division has been installed in more than 20 countries; 13% of NPPs worldwide and 40% of thermal power plants in Russia and former USSR countries use the Company’s equipment. AEM is one of few companies in the world which can offer the customer complete supply of equipment for reactor hall and turbine hall of NPP.
Скопировать текстJSC Atomenergoremont (a subsidiary of JSC Concern Rosenergoatom) is the leading specialist repair company of the nuclear power sector of Russia. The company is the general contractor for maintenance and repair of equipment of nuclear power plants and other industrial and utility companies. JSC Atomenergoremont carries out more than 70% of repair works on sites of JSC Concern Rosenergoatom.
Скопировать текстA ROSATOM company that renders ice-routing services in the Northern Sea Route (NSR) water area. FSUE Atomflot’s core businesses are the support of the Arctic hydrocarbon projects; steering of ships in the NSR water area and to freezing ports of Russia; rendering port vessel services in Sabetta seaport; ice-routing support to scientific expeditions in the Arctic; and general ship and special maintenance and repair. Today, the nuclear ice-breaker fleet includes two nuclear ice-breakers with two-reactor nuclear power installations of 75,000 hp (Yamal and 50 Let Pobedy), two ice-breakers with one reactor of about 50,000 hp (Taimyr and Vaygach), nuclear lighter ship Sevmorput with a 40,000-hp reactor installation, and three maintenance vessels. The Company’s port vessels include four tow boats and an icebreaker. The Company provides for the safe management of nuclear material and radioactive waste.
Скопировать текстBalakovo NPP is a branch of JSC Concern Rosenergoatom (a part of the Electric Power Division of ROSATOM). The plant is situated on the left bank of Saratov Water Reservoir in 10 km to the north-east of Balakovo, Saratov Region. The plant operates four power units with upgraded VVER-1000 reactors (modification V-320) which have installed power capacity of 1,000 MW each. The first power unit was commissioned in 1985, second in 1987, third in 1988 and fourth in 1993. Balakovo NPP pertains to largest and modern utilities of Russia providing one fourth of electricity generation in the Volga Federal District. Its electricity is securely supplied to consumers of the Volga Region, Central Region, the Urals and Siberia.
Скопировать текстBelarus NPP is the first nuclear power plant in the republic, which is being built to the Russian design of Generation III+. It will be equipped with two VVER-1200 reactors of 2,400 MW total capacity. The design fully complies with international safety standards and recommendations of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA
Скопировать текстBeloyarsk NPP is the first large-capacity NPP in the national nuclear power history and the first plant with reactors of different types on the site. It is the world’s only NPP which operates two power units with fast neutron reactors at commercial-scale capacity. Beloyarsk NPP is a branch of JSC Concern Rosenergoatom, which is part of the largest division of ROSATOM –Electric Power Division. It was commissioned in April 1964. Its first power units with thermal neutron reactors AMB-100 and AMB-200 were finally shut down because of exhaustion of assigned service life. The power units with fast neutron reactors BN-600 (since 1980) and BN-800 (since 2015) are in operation. Power units with fast neutron reactors are called for to substantially broaden the fuel inventory of nuclear power and minimize volume of waste at the expense of the closed nuclear fuel cycle.
Скопировать текстBilibino NPP is the northernmost nuclear power plant in the world. It is situated near the city of Bilibino (Chukotka Autonomous District). It operates uranium-graphite channel-type reactors EGP-6 which have installed electric power of 12 MW each. It is a branch of JSC Concern Rosenergoatom, which is part of the Electric Power Division of ROSATOM. The plant generates both electric and thermal power, which is supplied to heat Bilibino. Installed electric power of Bilibino NPP is 36 MW with simultaneous release of heat to consumers of up to 50 Gcal/hour. In January 2019, Rostechnadzor issued for Rosenergoatom a no-generation operation license for Unit 1 of the plant which was shut down for decommissioning.
Скопировать текстThe Engineering Division of ROSATOM has been created by merging of the leading companies of the sector – JSC EC ASE (Nizhniy Novgorod), JSC Atomstroyexport (Nizhniy Novgorod), JSC Atomenergoproekt (Moscow), and JSC ATOMPROEKT (Saint-Petersburg). The Engineering Division is one of leaders of world’s nuclear engineering business having 30% of the global NPP construction market. It operates in Europe, Middle East and North Africa as well as in Asia Pacific Region. 80% of the division’s profits fall with projects abroad. It implements projects in design and construction of large power NPPs, renders full range of EPC and EPC(M) services and develops MultiD technology for management of complex engineering facilities. The Engineering Division relies upon the 50-year experience of the Russian nuclear industry and modern innovative technology.
Скопировать текстThe Floating Nuclear Power Plant (FNPP, Affiliate of Rosenergoatom JSC) is the first Russian mobile small power plant based on a floating power unit the Akademik Lomonosov. It also includes on-shore hydraulic structures. The plant is to supply power to Chukotka Autonomous District and heat to the city of Pevek. Besides, it will become one of the key elements of infrastructure as part of the Northern Sea Route development program. FNCGP is designed with a large strength margin to counter external threats. The plant is equipped with two reactor installations of ice-breaking type KLT-40, which are capable of generating up to 70 MW of electricity and 50 Gcal/h of heat. That amount is sufficient for energy consumption of a city with the population of 100,000 people. Besides, such power units can operate in island states. They may be the base for a powerful desalinating plant. In future, FNCGP will replace capacities of the technically obsolete Bilibino NPP and coal-fired Chaunskaya TPP. After commissioning, FNCGP will become the northernmost nuclear power plant in the world taking away this title from Bilibino NPP. At the present time, ROSATOM works on the second generation of FNCGP, i.e. optimized floating power unit (OFPU), which will be smaller in size and more powerful than its predecessor. It is planned that it will have two RITM-200M reactors of total capacity of 100 MW.
Скопировать текстFuel Company of ROSATOM TVEL includes nuclear fuel fabrication companies, uranium conversion and enrichment companies, companies for manufacture of gas centrifuges as well as research and development institutions. It is the only supplier of nuclear fuel for Russian NPPs. Fuel Company of ROSATOM TVEL supplies nuclear fuel to 76 power reactors in 15 world countries as well as research reactors in eight world countries, and transportation reactors of the Russian nuclear-powered fleet. Each sixth power reactor in the world operates with fuel fabricated by Fuel Company of ROSATOM TVEL.
Скопировать текстThe project Hanhikivi-1 provides for construction of the single-unit NPP in the Cape Hanhikivi (North Ostrobothnia Region, Finland). The plant is based on the modern Russian design of Generation III+ VVER-1200 of 1,200 MW capacity. The customer, owner and operator of the future plant is the Finnish project company Fennovoima Oy. According to the general EPC contract (Engineering-Procurement-Construction) signed in December 2013, the General Supplier of Hanhikivi-1 NPP is RAOS Project Oy, a subsidiary of JSC REIN (a part of ROSATOM). Under EPC contract, the Russian party is the supplier of the licensed, functional and operating NPP completed on the turn-key basis. RAOS Project Oy main contractor for design, construction and installation and equipment supplies for NPP construction is holding JSC CONCERN TITAN, the company which is part of ROSATOM. At the present day, the project is being licensed and pre-construction works are carried out on the NPP construction site.
Скопировать текстKalinin NPP is situated near the city of Udomlya in the north of Tver Region. It is a branch of JSC Concern Rosenergoatom, which is part of the Electric Power Division of ROSATOM. The plant consists of four power units with water-water power reactors (VVER-1000) having installed capacity of 1,000 MW each. It generates over 80% of all electricity produced in Tver Region and supplies electric energy to most of industrial enterprises of Tver Region. Owing to its geographical location, the plant carries out high-voltage transit of electricity and releases power to the United Grid of Central Russia and further, via high-voltage lines, to Tver, Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Vladimir and Cherepovets. In 2014, the plant obtained a life extension license from Rostechnadzor for Unit 1 (until June 2025). This was preceded by a large-scale modernization. In November 2017, the similar life extension license was granted to Unit 2 for 21 years until November 2038.
Скопировать текстKola NPP is a unique utility; it is the first nuclear power plant built in inclement weather conditions of the High Arctic and northernmost NPP in Europe. It is a branch of JSC Concern Rosenergoatom, which is part of the Electric Power Division of ROSATOM. Unit 1 of Kola NPP was commissioned on June 29, 1973. At present, four power units with VVER reactors of 440 MW power capacity each secure electricity generation. The plant has reliably supplied electric energy to more than a half of consumers in Murmansk Region and Karelia. In 2019, the plant successfully completed a large-scale modernization at power units of Phase I, which allowed to extend their operation until 2033-2034. Kola NPP has become the only nuclear power plant in Russia where the service life re-extension program was implemented for two power units with VVER-440 reactors. The service life extension of Kola power units guarantees reliable power supply of the region and facilitates creation of new energy-intensive productions in the Kola High Arctic.
Скопировать текстKursk NPP is the largest electricity generation source in the Central Black-Soil Region. It is a branch of JSC Concern Rosenergoatom, which is part of the Electric Power Division of ROSATOM. The plant operates four power units with channel-type reactors RBMK-1000 with total capacity of 4,000 MW. Power units of the plant were connected to the United National Grid in 1976, 1979, 1983 and 1985. In 1994-2009, all operating power units were subjected to in-depth engineering upgrades. At the present time, replacement Units 1 and 2 with new VVER-TOI water-water reactors are being built (Kursk Phase II).
Скопировать текстLeningrad NPP is situated in the city of Sosnovy Bor 40 km to the west of Saint-Petersburg. It is a branch of JSC Concern Rosenergoatom, which is part of the Electric Power Division of ROSATOM. The plant is the largest in Russia in terms of installed capacity (4,200 MW). Reactors of two types are operated on its site: three power units with RBMK-1000 of Phase I (uranium-graphite channel-type nuclear reactors on thermal neutrons which have electric capacity of 1,000 MW) and one power unit VVER-1200 of Generation III+ (water-water power reactor of electric capacity of 1,200 MW) of Phase II of the plant. Initially, designed service life of RBMK-1000 was 30 years but then service life of each of four power units of Leningrad NPP was extended for 15 years more after the large-scale program of inspections, justifications and upgrades. More than 90% of systems and equipment of RBMK-1000 power units were subjected to modernization. In December 2018, the first in the country power unit with RBMK-1000 of Leningrad NPP was shut down for decommissioning. Units remaining in operation are fully compliant with international requirements. Even considering shutdown of Unit 1, Leningrad NPP secures more than 50% of electricity consumption in Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad Region. Construction of Unit 2 of Phase II with a VVER-1200 reactor is continued.
Скопировать текстNovovoronezh NPP (a branch of JSC Concern Rosenergoatom, which is part of the Electric Power Division of ROSATOM) is situated on the bank of the Don River in 45 km to the south of Voronezh. This is the first NPP with VVER reactors (water-water power reactors of vessel type with pressurized light water). The plant’s three reactors are leading designs, prototypes of series power reactors. The first power unit was commissioned in 1964, second in 1969, third in 1971, fourth in 1972 and fifth in 1980. Power units 1 and 2 were shut down in 1984 and 1990, respectively; power unit 3 was shut down in December 2016. The first innovative power unit in Russia, Unit 6, with a VVER-1200 reactor pertaining to Generation III+ was commissioned in February 2017; Unit 7 was commissioned in October 2019. New power units have improved performance indicators which ensure absolute operating safety and fully compliant with the IAEA post-Fukushima requirements. These power units feature abundance of passive systems (which are capable of functioning even in the case of the plant blackout and interference of the operator).
Скопировать текстThe “Proryv” project targets creation of the new technology platform for the industry with closed nuclear fuel cycle, as well as tackling the issues of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste (RAW). One of the project inplementations is construction of the Pilot Demonstration Energy Complex with a lead-cooled BREST-OD-300 fast neutron reactor facility with on-site closed nuclear fuel cycle and a complex for fabrication of mixed uranium-plutonium (nitride) fuel for fast neutron reactors. It is being built at Siberian Chemical Combine (SCC, Seversk, Tomsk Region), which is part of Fuel Company of ROSATOM TVEL. The new competitive product should ensure leadership of Russian technology in the world nuclear power.
Скопировать текстJSC Rusatom Automated Control Systems (JSC RASU) is part of ROSATOM. The Company is the united sectoral integrator of «APCS» (automated process control systems) and «Electrical Engineering» businesses. In its activity it unites many-year experience of ROSATOM’s companies in development of automated control systems and complete engineering solutions in electrical engineering. JSC RASU carries out the whole scope of work starting from design and engineering and ending with supply and implementation of APCS and equipment in projects in Russia and abroad.
Скопировать текстThe intergovernmental agreement concerning the cooperation in construction of the first NPP in Bangladesh Rooppur was signed in November 2011. The first brick of the construction was laid in fall 2013. On December 25, 2015, the general contract for the construction of Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh was signed. The document determines obligations and responsibilities of the parties, dates and order of performance of all works and other terms and conditions of NPP construction. The first concrete ceremony was on November 30, 2017. At the present time, Units 1 and 2 are under construction. The General Contractor is the Engineering Division of ROSATOM (JSC EC ASE). The project is situated on the site in 160 km from the city of Dhaka. The project complies with all Russian and international safety requirements. Its main feature is the best configuration of active and passive safety systems.
Скопировать текстROSATOM is one the global technological leaders. It is a multi-industry holding comprising assets in power engineering, machine engineering and construction, among others. Having competencies across the entire nuclear fuel cycle, the corporation boasts the largest foreign project portfolio in the world with 35 power units at different stages of implementation in 12 countries. ROSATOM is the largest producer of electricity in Russia, ensuring over 20% of the country’s energy needs. ROSATOM also ventures into manufacturing equipment and isotopes for nuclear medicine, does research, materials studies, digital products, manufactures various innovative nuclear and non-nuclear products. ROSATOM is engaged into low-carbon generation, including wind energy. The corporation includes about 300 enterprises and organizations employing a total of more than 275,000 people.
Скопировать текстFSUE RosRAO is a ROSATOM’s organization specializing in management of radioactive waste (RAW), industrial waste and remediation of territories. The Company renders full set of RAW management services (collection, transportation, reprocessing, conditioning, storage of low and intermediate level waste), solves problems of management of SNF and RAW accumulated in the process of Russian NAVY’s activities and being generated in disposal of nuclear submarines and surface ships with nuclear power installations. It carries out radiation monitoring and remediates contaminated areas. FSUE RosRAO incorporates eight branches and 19 divisions. These are the developed framework for efficient system of RAW management. Besides, the Company is designated the federal operator for management of Danger Class I-II waste. In this capacity, the Company builds an efficient system of management of waste of these classes, which will include the state information system of management of Danger Class I-II waste as well as infrastructure for its reprocessing.
Скопировать текстRostov NPP is situated near the city of Volgodonsk (Rostov Region) on the bank of Tsimlyansk Reservoir. It is part of the Electric Power Division of ROSATOM. NPP operates VVER-1000 reactors of installed capacity of 1,000 MW. Unit 1 was commissioned for commercial operation in 2001, Unit 2 in 2010, Unit 3 in 2015, and Unit 4 in 2018. Being one the largest power enterprises in Rostov Region and South of Russia, Rostov NPP generates one third of all electricity supplied to the United Energy Grid of the South. The nuclear power plant operates reliably and safely and securely supplies power to consumers in Northern Caucasus and Southern Federal Districts, including in hot summer temperatures and cold winters. Last year, a new electricity transmission line of 500 kV «Rostov NPP-Rostovskaya» was commissioned to provide for «nuclear» electricity transmission to regions neighboring Rostov Region.
Скопировать текстRusatom Cargo Ltd is a ROSATOM’s company which is the sectoral logistics operator. It delivers large-size cargoes to NPPs being built abroad. The Company facilities are planned for organization and development of international transit marine cargo shipments via traffic artery – the Northern Sea Route (NSR).
Скопировать текстJSC Rusatom Energy International is a ROSATOM’s subsidiary founded in 2011 to promote Russian nuclear technology in the world market. Since May 2015 JSC Rusatom Energy International has specialized in management of overseas projects in construction and operation of nuclear power plants on conditions of becoming stockholders of project companies. In particular, JSC Rusatom Energy International is the majority stockholder in JSC Akkuyu Nuclear which implements the construction and future operation project of Akkuyu NPP in Mersin Province (Turkey). Besides, JSC Rusatom Energy International owns 34% in the capital of Fennovoima, which is the customer for construction of the single-unit Hanhikivi-1 NPP in Finland. RAOS Project Oy, a subsidiary of JSC Rusatom Energy International, acts as the General Supplier for Hanhikivi-1 NPP.
Скопировать текстRusatom Greenway Ltd is a ROSATOM company. It is a sectoral integrator of a new area of activity associated with the management of production and consumption waste. The Company’s business meets existing requirements of the federal law and ecologic and environmental protection standards. In its work Rusatom Greenway Ltd applies accumulated scientific, technological and HR potential of Russian nuclear industry. The Company is notable for a package approach to problems, scientifically grounded approach to making environmentally significant decisions and responsibility for work results.
Скопировать текстAn integrator and management company formed of enterprises and research institutes of ROSATOM to develop equipment manufacturing, radionuclide products as well as infrastructure for needs of nuclear medicine and medical radiology in Russia and abroad. The Company also oversees manufacture of industrial equipment which allows processing product with the help of ionizing radiation using electron- and gamma-ray installations.
Скопировать текстJSC Rusatom Infrastructure Solutions is the integrator of ROSATOM’s sectoral solutions in such business areas as «Smart City», «Clean Water» and «Centralized Resource Supply System». Through concession agreements, the Company modernizes water supply and water discharge systems in the cities of Lesnoy and Glazov. ROSATOM’s digital solutions are applied to increase management efficiency in Murmansk, Nizhniy Novgorod, Tomsk Regions, and Stavropol Territory. Digitalization focuses on the LEAN SMART CITY methodology. As of the end of 2019, 19 cities joined the project. The United Co-generating Company controls non-nuclear generation in five cities of Russia.
Скопировать текстPrivate Institution for the development of an international regional network of nuclear power industry complex «Rusatom – International Network» has been created to control ROSATOM’s regional centers across the world. The Company’s main tasks are support of ROSATOM divisions’ activities in foreign markets, search for new business opportunities, promotion of products and services of Russian nuclear industry enterprises in the global market, assistance in building efficient business alliances, PR support of ROSATOM’s companies, and, on behalf of ROSATOM and its divisions, fulfillment of other functions that relate to international business.
Скопировать текстJSC Rusatom Service is part of the Electric Power Division of ROSATOM. The company provides full range of services and supplies required for maintenance and repair for the foreign nuclear power plants that operate VVER-type reactors. The Company has been present nearly in all countries having operating NPP with VVERs outside Russia. JSC Rusatom Service holds leading positions in the markets of China, Iran, Bulgaria and Armenia and acts as a general contractor of works for lifetime extension, implementation of scheduled preventive maintenance and upgrading of the equipment at NPPs with VVER reactors. JSC Rusatom Service has a business portfolio in foreign markets, which amounts to $ 500 million.
Скопировать текстThe «Smart City» is the business which is developed by Rusatom Infrastructure Solutions (a ROSATOM’s enterprise). This business includes the digitalization of the urban habitat, which goal is to transform ROSATOM’s host cities in territories of sustainable growth with a high human capital index. By creating the comfortable digital environment in the city, ROSATOM attracts and holds people, including youth and highly skilled specialists, facilitates preservation and development of scientific and engineering schools and traditions, stimulates attraction of investments in the city. The LEAN SMART CITY methodology implies that management processes in municipality, first, are analyzed and only then, given the city needs, translated in the digital format. Objective information obtained basing on modern tools for collection and analysis of data helps municipalities define bottlenecks and most promising further development areas. As a result, municipality management processes become more efficient, losses and time of processes become less, resources are saved and residents are engaged in the city management process, quality of living of residents increases. ROSATOM’s own best practices plus training of the project participants in principles and approaches of LEAN SMART CITY allows approaching digital transformation more efficiently, opens opportunities for stage-by-stage broadening of the «smart city» functions proceeding from needs and strategic goals of the city and region. At this time, 18 cities have joined the LEAN SMART CITY project. Thus, a unique competence in the field of digitalization of the municipal management, which is in demand in all regions of Russia, has been created in ROSATOM.
Скопировать текстSmolensk NPP is one of the leading utilities in Smolensk Region. Annually, the plant releases about 20 billion kWh of electricity (more than 80% of what is produced by regional power generators) to the national power grid. NPP is a branch of JSC Concern Rosenergoatom (a part of the Electric Power Division of ROSATOM). The plant consists of three power units with RBMK-1000 reactors which were commissioned 1982, 1985 and 1990. NPP regularly passes supervisory inspections by different organizations (WANO, IAEA etc.). In 2016, Smolensk NPP joined the ranks of sectoral model enterprises in terms of results of implementation of the ROSATOM Production System. As part of implementation of the service life extension program, nuclear power units were subjected to major overhauls and upgrades. Rostechnadzor granted a license for an additional period of operation of power units until 2027, 2030 and 2035, correspondingly. Since 2017, Smolensk NPP has started production of radioisotope Со-60, which is in demand in many industries.
Скопировать текстTITAN-2 Holding is a Russian group of companies which builds nuclear power facilities. The Holding’s companies do the full cycle of works starting from drafting of the project documentation up to commissioning of the facility. TITAN-2 Holding is the general contractor for construction of new power units of Leningrad nuclear power plant. The Holding’s companies carry out all civil and erection works, installation and electric wiring works on the construction site. The Holding is the key contractor of construction of Hanhikivi-1 NPP in Finland and Akkuyu NPP in Turkey.
Скопировать текстOn June 8, 2018 the intergovernmental record of the cooperation in series construction of Xudapu nuclear power units in China and the framework contract to this end were signed. Basing on these documents, the following contracts were signed: in March 2019 – the contract for the detailed design for units 3 and 4 of the plant and in June 2019 - the general contract for units 3 and 4 of the Xudapu nuclear power plant. For the Russian party the contracts were signed by Joint Stock Company Atomstroyexport and for the Chinese party – by enterprises of CNNC (Suneng Nuclear Power Corporation (CNSC), Liaoning Nuclear Power Corporation (CNLNPC) and China Nuclear Energy Industry Corporation (CNEIC)). JSC ATOMPROEKT is the architect of the “nuclear island”. The new power units are built to AES-2006 design. According to the contracts, the Russian party will design the nuclear island of the plant, supply equipment for nuclear islands of both units as well as render services of designer’s supervision, contract supervision and adjustment of the supplied equipment.
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