Nuclear infrastructure development
ROSATOM is prepared to assist customer countries in establishing and improving national nuclear infrastructure and regulatory policies in accordance with IAEA guidelines. Our assistance in the nuclear infrastructure development starts well before the customer country selects a nuclear technology vendor – we get involved right after the national government decides to study feasibility of including civil nuclear power in the national energy strategy. Commitment to the nuclear infrastructure development in early stages of the national nuclear program minimizes potential economic, social, political and technical risks inherent in the program.
Human resources development
Professional staff is key to safe and reliable operation of nuclear reactors. With this in mind, we put a special emphasis on training local talent. Our staff training services are not confined to educating nuclear station personnel. We train professionals working throughout the industry, from maintenance teams to national regulatory bodies. Training programs we offer are based on the IAEA guidelines and standards and draw on solid experience of Russia's leading nuclear universities. ROSATOM offers quotas for foreign students in top Russian universities and internship opportunities at operating nuclear facilities in Russia.
Public acceptance
Public awareness and acceptance of nuclear technologies are cornerstones of successful delivery of nuclear power projects in any country. To address popular concerns and raise public awareness, ROSATOM has developed a dedicated PR solution. ROSATOM helps in development and implementation of reasonable communication strategy including tours to Russian nuclear facilities for foreign media, crisis communication workshops for PR managers etc. ROSATOM's nuclear information centers serve as communication venues meant to inform general public of nuclear technologies and promote nuclear education, science and innovations among schoolchildren, students and teachers.
Energy solution
ROSATOM operates a vertically integrated value chain to deliver turnkey energy solutions to its international customers – from nuclear station design, construction, procurement and commissioning to continuous fuel supplies, maintenance and operation. ROSATOM's flagship energy solution is VVER-1200, an improved Generation III+ reactor featuring a two-circuit steam generator and thermal neutron technology, with pressurized water used as coolant and moderator. The solution is unique for its combination of passive and active safety systems making it compliant with post-Fukushima safety standards.
Operations & Maintenance
ROSATOM Group companies have extensive expertise in maintenance and modernization of Russian-designed nuclear power plants. ROSATOM is also a nuclear operator with unique experience in the field as the largest power generator in Russia. We operate a total of 36 nuclear power reactors of different designs. We are committed to providing our customers with the latest nuclear technology and sharing our multi-year expertise in nuclear operation. ROSATOM is prepared to provide comprehensive, easy-to-use advice on every aspect of nuclear operation, including formation of an operating company; licensing; project design management; project acceptance; power generation management; plant operation; service maintenance; radiation, industrial and environmental safety.
Fuel supply
ROSATOM provides end-to-end fuel services that range from nuclear fuel fabrication and life-long fuel supplies to spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste management. Our technological expertise makes it possible to address the most complex issues of nuclear, radiation and environmental safety.
Back end
ROSATOM provides end-to-end fuel services that range from nuclear fuel fabrication and life-long fuel supplies to spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste management. Our technological expertise makes it possible to address the most complex issues of nuclear, radiation and environmental safety.
Industrial solution
ROSATOM guarantees the widest involvement of local engineering and construction companies in the project. Local vendors in emerging nuclear countries have a chance to provide general construction and installation services and supply machinery and materials that do not affect overall safety of nuclear facilities. If the local industry is advanced and vendors in the customer country have a nuclear project experience, local input will be definitely higher, with some critical equipment manufactured locally as well.
For more information on ROSATOM's integrated solution please visit the website of Rusatom Overseas.
One More Integrated Offer: Centre of Nuclear Science and Technology.
Leaflet. Rosatom Integrated Offer. Large-scale NPPs
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