Today Russia is leading in new nuclear construction abroad. ROSATOM holds first place in terms of the number of simultaneously implemented nuclear reactor construction projects (3 units in Russia and 39 abroad, inter alia 6 SMRs, at various implementation stages). 

Competitive strength of Russian proposals  can be attributed to advanced technologies  and newest know-how developed by Russian scientists and designers. All design projects meet modern international requirements and the IAEA recommendations. The projects proposed for construction are based on up-to-date reactor installations of up-graded VVER design (Russian water-water pressurized power reactor) that has many-year good performance account. Russian NPP construction projects are G III reactors equipped with active and passive safety systems. Successful operation on international markets confirms good competitive ability of Russian nuclear technologies: In 2021 Rosatom’s package of foreign orders exceeded 139,9 bln dollars.

State-of-the-art technology and advanced safety systems coupled with conformity to IAEA requirements provide a solid competitive edge for Russian offerings on the international market:



Preparation for construction of Rooppur NPP, the country's first nuclear power plant 
Location: 160 km away from Dhaka on the eastern bank of the Ganges, Pabna District 
Project specifications: Construction of two power units with VVER reactors (2,4 GW total capacity) launched in December 2017. Apart from NPP construction and commissioning, Russia will construct all required infrastructure facilities.



Construction of Tianwan NPP 
Location: Lianyungang 
Project specifications: Tianwan NPP is the largest facility of the Russian-Chinese economic cooperation. Phase 1 of the plant (Units 1 and 2) was built by Russian specialists and has been in commercial operation since 2007. Annually, Phase 1 of the plant produces more than 15 bln kWh of electricity. It is meant to be the most of modern plants in the world owing to new systems (“core melt catcher”). Two first units of Tianwan NPP were built by a Russian company under the Russia-China intergovernmental agreement signed in 1992. In October 2009, ROSATOM and China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) signed a protocol of continuation of the cooperation in the construction of the phase two of the plant (Units 3 and 4). The general contract was signed in 2010 and came into force in 2011. The construction is carried out by the Jiangsu Nuclear Power Corporation (JNPC). Phase Two has been the logical conclusion of the Phase One of the plant. The parties have implemented a set of modernizations. The project has been improved technically and operationally. The Russian party was responsible for design of the nuclear island; the Chinese part has taken responsibility for designing balance-of-plant. Building, installation and start-up works were carried out by Chinese with support of Russian specialists. Pouring of first concrete at Unit 3 was on December 27, 2012; construction of the Unit 4 was started on September 27, 2013. The first power of Tianwan-3 was on December 30, 2017. Unit 4 had its first power on October 27, 2018. At the present time, Unit 3 has been transferred to the Jiangsu Nuclear Power Corporation (JNPC) for 24-month warrantee operation while Unit 4 has been held for commercial operation on December 22, 2018. On June 8, 2018 in Beijing the strategic package of documents was signed which determines main directions of the nuclear power cooperation between Russia and China for coming decades. In particular, two new reactors VVER-1200 of Generation III+ will be built (Units 7 and 8 of Tianwan NPP).

Construction of Xudapu NPP (China)
Location: near Huludao (Liaoning Province, Northeast China)
Project specifications: On June 8, 2018 the intergovernmental record of the cooperation in series construction of Xudapu nuclear power units in China and the framework contract to this end were signed. Basing on these documents, the following contracts were signed: in March 2019 – the contract for the detailed design for units 3 and 4 of the plant and in June 2019 - the general contract for units 3 and 4 of the nuclear power plant Xudapu. For the Russian party the contracts were signed by Joint Stock Company Atomstroyexport and for the Chinese party – by enterprises of CNNC (Suneng Nuclear Power Corporation (CNSC), Liaoning Nuclear Power Corporation (CNLNPC) and China Nuclear Energy Industry Corporation (CNEIC)). JSC ATOMPROEKT is the architect of the “nuclear island”. The new power units are built to AES-2006 design. According to the contracts, the Russian Party will design the nuclear island of the plant, supply equipment for nuclear islands of both units as well as render services of designer’s supervision, contract supervision and adjustment of the supplied equipment.


Construction of El Dabaa NPP 

Location: El Dabaa site, the Matrouh region on the Mediterranean coast, Egypt 

Project specifications: According to the contracts, ROSATOM will build four VVER-1200 reactors and supply nuclear fuel throughout the plant's entire lifetime. ROSATOM will also train personnel, will assist its Egyptian partners in operation and maintenance during the first 10 years of the plant's operations. As part of the El Dabaa NPP project implementation, ROSATOM will also aid Egypt in developing its nuclear infrastructure, as well as increasing the level of project localization and supporting Egypt in training nuclear cadre and driving the public acceptance of nuclear power. The works are based on Intergovernmental agreement between Russia and Egypt (signed on November 2015). El Dabaa will reference unit 1 of the Leningrad Phase II nuclear power plant in western Russia. 




Stage 2 construction of Paks II 
Location: Paks, Tolna county, Hungary 
Project specifications: At the present time, built to Soviet design, Paks NPP operates four power units with VVER-440 reactors. In 2009 the Hungarian Parliament approved construction of two new power units at NPP. In December 2014 ROSATOM and MVM (Hungary) signed the contract for construction of new power units of the plant. In May that year Russia and Hungary signed the agreement concerning provision of a €10 billion loan for Paks construction completion. Pals Phase II is planned as two power units (Units 5 and 6); they will be built to VVER-1200 design. JSC ATOMPROEKT is the principal contractor.




Construction of Units 3, 4, 5, 6 of Kudankulam NPP 
Location: Kudankulam, Tamil Nadu, India 
Project specifications: Units 1 & 2 were build within the scope of Russian-Indian agreement dated November 20th, 1988 and its attachments dated June 21st, 1998. An official ceremony dedication of Kudankulam NPP Unit 2 held on October 15, 2016. The ground-breaking ceremony for construction units 3 & 4 with VVER-1000 reactors (2,100 MW total capacity) was performed on 17 February 2016. Units 3 and 4 are currently under construction. On June 1, 2017, in Saint-Petersburg ASE Group of Companies and Nuclear Power Corporation of India signed the General Framework Agreement for construction of the Kudankulam NPP third stage (units 5 and 6 with VVER-1000 reactors). On July 31, 2017 the contracts were signed between JSC Atomstroyexport and the Nuclear Power Corporation of India (NPCIL) for priority design works, working design and supply of the main equipment for third stage of NPP.



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Location: Mersin province, Turkey 
Project specifications: the project of Turkey’s first NPP construction is being implemented on the basis of the intergovernmental agreement between the Russian Federation and the Turkish Republic that was signed in May 2010. On October 13, 2011, the Turkish Atomic Energy Agency (TAEK) handed over to Akkuyu Nuclear JSC a licence for the site; in November 2013, it approved the revised Foundational Report on the site performed by Akkuyu Nuclear JSC under the site licence terms for the construction of the Akkuyu NPP with an installed capacity of 4,800 MWe. On December 1, 2014, the Turkish Ministry of the Environment and City Planning approved the Akkuyu NPP environment impact assessment performed by Akkuyu Nuclear JSC. On February 9, 2017, TAEK approved the Akkuyu NPP site parameters, after which, on March 3, 2017, TAEK received a construction licence application. On October 19, 2017, Akkuyu Nuclear JSC received a limited construction licence from TAEK, which is the first step towards obtaining an NPP construction licence. On December 10, 2017, the construction start ceremony took place at the Akkuyu NPP site under a limited construction licence issued by TAEK. Under the limited construction licence, construction and assembly works are being carried out at all of the NPP’s components excluding buildings and constructions linked to the nuclear island’s safety. On the 3rd of April 2018 the function of first concrete was held at the construction site. It marked the start of large-scale work to build the first Turkish nuclear power plant being constructed by ROSATOM. On April 8, 2020, the first concrete poured at Akkuyu NPP Unit 2 reactor building foundation slab. In March 2021 a ceremony commemorating the start of Unit 3 construction was held at the site.