Rosatom Production System (RPS) is a culture of lean production and a system of continuous improvement of processes that are used to ensure competitive preferences on global markets.
RPS is based on five principles that call employees to:
give utmost consideration to all customers’ requirements (not only to the end users, but also in-company customers like departments, shops, up to subsequent operators);
handle issues on the spot as applicable;
embed quality into processes, perform flawless production with no waste;
uncover and eliminate any waste ( eg. excessive stock, inter-stage process gaps, equipment idle time, excessive moves, etc.)
serve as an example for colleagues.
These principles are based on the best national and international practices and experience like the scientific system of labour’s management used by the Ministry of Medium Machine Building in the USSR and Toyota Production System.
Rosatom Production System is aligned with Rosatom’s strategic goals, while industry-specific RPS-projects are aimed at facilitating productivity growth, reduction of production costs and improving product quality. The competence in handling RPS tools shall be essential for professional development and career advancement in the nuclear power industry.
Early 2015, a decision was made on application of the systemic approach in deployment of RPS. Ten pilot enterprises of the sector were selected and the implementation of the uniform package of RPS measures began (goal setting up to the level of small group heads based on the company’s goals, training the top management and project members in the RPS methodology, implementation of RPS projects in the office and production facilities using the uniform methodology, incentive programs for employees of different levels).
Following the 2015 results, 7 pilot enterprises met all target deployment indicators of the ROSATOM Production System and reached a status of the “Leader”. These are PJSC KMP, Balakovo NPP, JSC UECC, JSC OKBM, Smolensk NPP, FSUE PA Start, and PJSC MSZ. They set new ambitious goals and continue optimizing processes. Besides, 13 enterprises and organizations have received a status of the “Candidate”: JSC IRM, JSC TsKBM, Trust RosSEM LLC, PJSC NCCP, JSC SCC, JSC CMP, RI SPA Luch, JSC NIAEP, Leningrad NPP, FSUE Elektrokhimpribor Combine, JSC PA ECP, a branch of AEM-Technology Atommash in Volgodonsk, and FSUE Radon. In March 2016, the selection of enterprises for “Reserve”, pretenders for the systemic deployment in 2017, will start.
According to the Production System development concept, all enterprises where RPS is deployed in an integrated manner are divided into three levels: “RPS Leader”, “RPS Candidate” and “RPS Reserve”. The enterprises which are “RPS Leaders” receive a pack of privileges (visits of the business trainer to the company, opportunities for workers to go to foreign and Russian flagship companies for exchange of experience, family resort vouchers, vouchers for training in the ROSATOM Corporate Academy, participation in the project “Workspace Design” etc.).