Nuclear industry demands from its workforce unique knowledge and skills, and a well-orchestrated teamwork of various professionals. Rosatom is keen to create work environment that encourages staff interest in outcome of their activities and gives each employee a chance to enjoy merited recognition for his/her personal input in overall result. To accomplish this, Rosatom offers its staff broad opportunities to build their career and achieve professional development and advancement, in particular, through achievement-oriented remuneration system and various social programmes, such as medical insurance and corporate credit arrangements, special retirement plans, and others. Rosatom won many prestigious national ‘best employer’ awards, which spells its effective management of human resources.

Rosatom has put in place a robust system for education and training of employees along three basic tracks: managerial, expert, and project office competences. Training in managerial skills is meant to foster managers capable of attaining strategic goals. Professional experts and project officers are coached to enhance their competence in particular areas or in implementation of particular projects run by Rosatom. Personal growth plan is developed for each member of the staff undergoing training, with identification of prime objectives and steps leading to their accomplishment. Rosatom Academy (Moscow) and Central Institution for Continuous Training (Obninsk, Kaluga Region) provide training of personnel within Rosatom profile. Today, Rosatom’s Academy alone has in its portfolio over 140 training programmes.

Rosatom has been providing every opportunity for advancement and growth of employees showing high potential. A tri-tier system established for selection and training of succession staff gives them advantages in filling vacancies and participating in most important projects. A package training programme has been developed for each succession level, and is being implemented around Rosatom Academy.

Rosatom has been actively collaborating with higher education institutions – members of a consortium – to recruit employees.  The Consortium has pooled 17 reference universities of Rosatom, such as National Research Nuclear University ‘MEPhI’ (Consortium leader) , St.-Petersburg State Polytechnic University , N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University , and others. Special employment events (‘Career Day’) are held to assist students and graduates of these universities. Ongoing programmes allow trainees to practice interfacing with Rosatom enterprises, and develop a clear fact-based vision of their future profession. Consortium universities educate also students coming from other countries using Russian nuclear technologies.