We at Rosatom recognise occupational and industrial safety as a core value and the key to successful development of the high-tech nuclear industry. Our occupational safety management system, adopted back in 2001, has been revised regularly to remain compliant with changing regulations. This system, which introduces a set of measures mitigating workplace risks and occupational hazards, is designed to provide accident-free operations and to prevent violations of occupational safety requirements. The Rosatom system envisages a set of activities aimed at the implementation of industrial safety techniques, reducing the accident rate, and decreasing the impact of harmful industrial factors on personnel. 

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The basis for occupational safety standards is the national requirements that envisage a reduction in professional risks in the working environment. They, in turn, are the basis for the development of local standards including specific job descriptions. The occupational safety systems are undergoing certification and many leading Rosatom companies received their certificates of occupational safety compliance with international standard OHSAS 18001:1999 some time ago and regularly pass the re-certification audits.

Audits are held in all leading companies on a regular basis. They include selective inspections of subdivisions, inspections of the working environment, equipment, sites, buildings and structures, as well as documentation on occupational safety. All Rosatom Group members annually develop and approve their plans aimed at enhancing occupational safety and working conditions.  “Occupational safety days” are regularly arranged at all Russian NPPs and leading Rosatom enterprises. Supervisory checks are performed to verify whether certified activities comply with occupational safety requirements, including monitoring how production factors comply with the results of a special assessment of working conditions. The other measures on prevention of industrial accidents and occupational illnesses include workshops, meetings, competitions for the best knowledge of the occupational safety rules etc.

All these resulted in the fact that the number of injuries at the Rosatom group enterprises is below the average level in other Russian industries. 

Rosatom’s Declaration of behavior-based safety culture (pdf, 2 Mb)

Environmental management

Public Council